Praise for ISLAM - WHO, WHAT, HOW.
Bill Warner: A+.
BareNakedIslam: Everything you need
to teach your children about Islam.

Gates of Vienna: Great job!
Vlad Tepes: Outstanding.
More praise: Awesome!
Even more praise: Great video.
Have forwarded far and wide!

Online, the greatest way you can show appreciation is by sharing.
Thank you to everyone who has shared.
Here are a few sharings by major figures -
including in Portuguese!!!

praise - Bill Warner - Islam Who What How

praise - Bill Warner - Islam Who What How

praise - Gates of Vienna - Islam Who What How

praise - Gates of Vienna - Islam Who What How

praise - Vladtepesblog - Islam Who What How

praise - Vladtepesblog - Islam Who What How
praise - BareNakedIslam - Islam Who What How

praise - Kirralie Smith - Islam Who What How

praise - Kirralie Smith - Islam Who What How

praise - Portuguese blog
praise - Portuguese blog - blog views count

praise - on Portguguese blog

praise - The Watchdog

praise - The Watchdog - Islam Who What How

praise - Ripose Laique

praise - Kirralie Smith - Islam Who What How

I've heard from so many other people as well:

Awesome video!

Great video. . . have forwarded far and wide!

Great movie - will send it to others. Thank you!

Brilliant video. Passed on to my 2400 FB friends, many from other continents. Today I will post to my 600 plus database who are interested in our message. I will forward to certain other people who have a wide net

And there's so much sharing I don't know about. Here's a tweet a friend sent me, or I wouldn't have known about it:

praise - twitter - tweet - islam who what how

Yes, everyone needs to watch this amazing video.

The video was posted on July 8th. By the 15th, it had reached 900 views. On July 19th, noon, the count stood at 6,861. At 3:30 pm, it wa 7,027.

How much higher will the count go? The goal: that every child in the West sees the video and learns both the core Islamic teachings and many of the rules of Islam - all in 9 minutes. The video - short, fun, easy, simple, truthful.

Again, thank you to each and every one of you for doing what you can.

Please keep sharing.

Islam - Who What, How - video for kids

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the Live Freedom community,

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- For All -
Two Instant FREE Gifts

From Bill Warner, PhD,
the ultimate fact finder
Factual Persuasion - Bill Warner, PhD
Bill Warner coined the term,
Political Islam
More at:

Plus, second gift
Islam, 1,2,3
Everything you need to know
about Islam in 9 pages.
The 3 essential teachings.
This e-book is yours,
to give to anyone who utters,
"Islam means peace."

and you will get the link
to download both gifts.

Islam - who what how - video
Islam - Who, What, and How,
a 9-minute video for kids,
is to be brought to
all Western schools
where Islam is addressed

How? One avenue to be explored:
RANT, Rebels Against No Thinking


Islam - Who, What, and How,
a 9-minute video for kids,
is to be brought to
all Western schools
where Islam is addressed

How? One avenue to be explored:
RANT, Rebels Against No Thinking




- access to recordings for a week;
- membership in the Facebook group


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- access to all the meetings;
- permanent access to recordings;
- membership in the Facebook group;
- each month, an interview
- plus, a surprise bonus


(US 20/mo, CAD 25/mo, GBP 20/mo)
To give more, register more than once

- access to all the meetings;
- permanent access to recordings;
- membership in the Facebook group;
- each month, 2 interviews
- plus, a surprise bonus


you select the amount - US, CAD GBP


Live Freedom.
Activist Community.
For Freedom from Persecution
and Oppression for
Exercising Freedom of Speech.
Join Us.
Rebels Against No Thinking

- Live Freedom - membership

Praise for ISLAM - WHO, WHAT, HOW.
Bill Warner: A+.
BareNakedIslam: Everything you need
to teach your children about Islam.
Gates of Vienna: Great job!
Vlad Tepes: Outstanding.
More praise: Awesome!
Even more praise: Great video.
Have forwarded far and wide!

top of page


register now

About Live Freedom's creatorElsa

Elsa's favorite childhood stories were about people who made it, no matter what the odds. Now she's asking: how do we protect and win back freedoms - like freedom of speech, like the freedom of physical safety, like the freedom to speak the truth and be heard, like freedom from show trials against people who won't be silent in the face of oppression.

She has a long history as an achiever: PhD, tenured professor, spoken word performer, author of Think or Sink, blogger.

Her message to all: Know more, see more, connect more, achieve more.

Come join us.


Watch Now

Islam - who what how - video

For kids, age 8 and up. And for adults, to share with anyone who does not understand the essential Islam. The video: fun, easy, clear.


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Elsa Schieder     
Live Freedom     
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