Facts about Islam.
Top Sources.
What do research findings prove?
What is the truth about Islamic beliefs,
about al Walaa wal Baraa,
Jihad, Hijrah, Caliphate?
Islam - Who, What and How is a video for kids, and for anyone who isn't sure about, for instance, what are the 3 core parts of Islam, and what is al Walaa wal Baraa?
But giving the answers isn't enough.
sources for everything mentioned in the video.
Here they are.
Sources for the Facts about Islam
mentioned in
Islam - Who,
What and How
99% of Islam: 90% Sunni, 9% Shia
There are 3 Core Parts of Islam
There are three essential doctrines of Islam ('usul-ud-deen' - 'essential of the faith').
They come in pairs:
1) AL TAWHEED - Singleness of God & Final Prophet;
also http://www.geocities.ws/saeefulhaq/Aqeedah/AlWalaaWalBaraa.htm
WHO. There is only one god, Allah, and one final messenger, Mohammed. This is the doctrine of Tawheed.
Tawheed and Prophethood are considered a dualism. Note: In Islam, a dualism is considered a single doctrine.
WHAT. The doctrine of Al Walaa wal Baraa can be seen as Islamic apartheid. It is the doctrine of Allegiance (to Islam and Muslims) and Disavowal (from eveything else and everyone else). There is inequality of and segregation from the non-Islamic.
For extensive references, see:
Further sources:
Imam Abdul-Latif ibn Abdur-Rahman Rahimullah said, “It is not possible for someone to realize Tawheed and act upon it, and yet not be hostile against the mushrikeen. So anyone who isn’t hostile against the mushrikeen, then it cannot be said that he acts upon Tawheed nor that he realizes it.” [ad-Durar as-Saniyyah 8/167]
"The doctrine of al Walaa wal Baraa is the REAL IMAGE for the actual practice of this faith." Source: “Al Walaa wal Baraa According to the Aqeedah of the Salaf”, by Sheikh Muhammad Saeed al Qatani, authoritative Saudi Sharia lawyer and imam at the Abu Bakr and Al Furqan Mosques in Mecca.
Love Islam
Abdullah ibn Abbas said: "Al Muwalaat is the Love in the heart and the total support by the limbs and the tongue for the Deen of Islam exclusively." http://kanoonline.com/smf/index.php?topic=1992.0
Love the prophet
"Allaah has commanded us to obey the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
"And obey Allaah and the Messenger (Muhammad), and beware (of even coming near to drinking or gambling or Al‑Ansaab, or Al‑Azlaam) and fear Allaah. Then if you turn away, you should know that it is Our Messenger’s duty to convey (the Message) in the clearest way."
Koran 5:92
It was narrated that Anas said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "No one of you truly believes until I am dearer to him than his father, his son, his own self and all the people."
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 15; Muslim, 44
It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Hishaam said: We were with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when he was holding the hand of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab. ‘Umar said to him: “O Messenger of Allaah, you are dearer to me than everything except my own self.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “No, by the One in Whose hand is my soul, not until I am dearer to you than your own self.” ‘Umar said to him: “Now, by Allaah, you are dearer to me than my own self.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Now (you are a true believer), O 'Umar."
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6257.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: The reason why it is obligatory to love the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and venerate him more than any other person is that we cannot attain the greatest good in this world or in the Hereafter except at the hands of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), by believing in him and following him. That is because no one can be saved from the punishment of Allaah, and the mercy of Allaah cannot reach him except by means of the Prophet, by believing in him, loving him, being loyal to him and following him. This is the means by which Allaah will save him from punishment in this world and in the Hereafter. This is the means by which he will attain what is good in this world and in the Hereafter. The greatest blessing is the blessing of faith, which can only be attained through him, and which is more beneficial than his own self and his wealth. He is the one by means of whom Allaah brings people forth from darkness into light, and there is no other way to Allaah. As for a person’s self and family, they will not avail him anything before Allaah…
Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 27/246.
Love all Muslims
68. We attach ourselves to every believer from our predecessors back to Adam, and from those of succeeding generations down to those who will fight Ad-Dajjal at the end of time. We love them all whether or not they are known to us, and defend their honour.
69. The followers of Muhammad (Peace be on Him), the first and last of whom comprise one single ummah, the ummah of Islam and iman, are joined together by one aqeedah and one set of laws regardless of their race or country of origin. We love them all and believe that all believers are brothers."
http://www.qss.org/archives/aqeedah/ch11.html or
Hate every culture that is not Islam
(Jahiliya = every culture that is not Islam)
Abdullah ibn Abbas said: "Al Muwalaat is the Love in the heart and the total support by the limbs and the tongue for the Deen of Islam exclusively." This rules out the kuffar. Walaa is always to Allah (and the Deen of Islam) exclusively. Al Baraa is from kufr and Shirk.
Hate all non-Muslims, that is all the people of baatil, all idolators and all associators with non-Muslims
There is no place in the Quran where Muhammad tells Muslims to love people of other religions. By contrast there are at least three dozen verses that tell believers to fight against non-Muslims, and about 500 that speak of their place in Hell. They are from each period in Muhammad's life, scattered across 87 of the Quran's 114 chapters. Koran 3.32: "Allah does not love the disbelievers." Koran 60:4: "We have rejected you, and there has arisen between us and you enmity and hatred, until you believe and worship Allaah alone."
Abdullah ibn Abbas said: "Al Muwalaat is the Love in the heart and the total support by the limbs and the tongue for the Deen of Islam exclusively." This rules out the kuffar; Walaa is always to Allah (and the Deen of Islam) Exclusively, and Al Baraa' is from kufr and Shirk. http://kanoonline.com/smf/index.php?topic=1992.0
Koran 28:86 "Do not support the kafireen in any way."
Koran 5.51 “He amongst you who turns to them (for friendship) is of them.”
Koran 40:35 “They who dispute the signs (verses) of Allah without authority having reached them are greatly hated by Allah and the believers.” (Note: not just “hated”, but “greatly hated”.)
Koran 48:29: “Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are violent to the unbelievers, but compassionate to one another.”
Koran 4: 101 “The kuffar are for you a clear enemy.”
Koran 8:60 “Terrorize the enemy of Allah and your enemy”
Koran 60:4 “We have rejected you, and there has arisen between us and you enmity and hatred, until you believe and worship Allaah alone."
Koran 3: 118 “O you who believe! Do not take into your intimacy those outside your ranks. They will not fail to corrupt you.”
"Walaa' and baraa' (the islamic system of loyalty) is a must. (It is) disallegiance with the enemies of Allaah and loyalty to the allies of Allaah. Walaa’ and baraa’ means to have hatred, declaring oneself free of them (the disbelievers) and their religion, this is baraa’.” Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Ibraaheem expressly stated that hatred and animosity are between him and his people (polytheists who opposed the orders of Allah).
Regarding this hatred and animosity, he also stated that it shall remain in place, "Until you believe in Allaah alone," and he DID NOT say: until you stop fighting or oppressing us. This refutes those who would say that Ibraaheem’s example is only for those facing non-Muslim oppressors or aggressors.
Doctrine of Jihad and Hijrah (political struggle and strategic migration)
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For kids, age 8 and up. And for adults, to share with anyone who does not understand the essential Islam. The video: fun, easy, clear.